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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


This study evaluated the Integrated Science and Introductory Technology curricula contents as well as their implementation in secondary schools in Benue State. Twelve research questions were answered and six hypotheses tested in this study. The study employed a survey design and six instruments were used to collect data from 50 secondary schools selected from 246 schools in the State using the Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) sampling technique, 10 experts each in the fields of Integrated Science and Introductory Technology using the purposive sampling technique and all the Integrated Science and Introductory Technology teachers in the selected schools. The instruments were Classroom Observation Schedule (COS), Programme Evaluation Instrument for Teachers (PEIT), Introductory Technology Resource Assessment Checklist (ITRAC), Integrated Science Resources Assessment Checklist (ISRAC), Integrated Science Curriculum Contents Evaluation Instrument (ISCCEI) and Introductory Technology Curriculum Contents Evaluation Instrument (ITCCEI). Descriptive Statistics like frequency counts and simple percentages were used to answer the research questions while t-test for independent samples was used in testing the hypotheses. The study established that the Integrated Science and Introductory Technology curricula had a number of defects such as irrelevance of some topics in the curricula to students range of experience and ability, low level of integration of the different disciplines that compose the programmes, little or no attention to new developments and current issues in the fields of science and technology, defective balance in the contents of the disciplines that compose the programmes. The programmes were also confronted with such problems as Xvii inadequate provision of resources, dearth of qualified manpower and ineffective teaching strategies among others. The study offered no evidence to establish a significant difference in the mean scores of Integrated Science and Introductory Technology as well as in the provision of Integrated Science and Introductory Technology resources between urban and rural schools. There was evidence to establish a significance difference in the mean scores of male and female students in the programme. The study further recommends that for these programmes to have their impact on the student and the society at large the Integrated Science and Introductory Technology curricula have to be reviewed with a view to removing these defects and urgent steps need to be taken by all stakeholders in the education sector towards finding lasting solutions to the problems confronting the effective implementation of these programmes.


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